Saturday, January 2, 2016



  1. Hello all! My name is Alaina and my partner is a Polish Arab named Willow aka "the red dragon." Willow was that horse I had begged, dreamed and wished for all through my childhood. Our partnership began running speed events, pleasure classes and trail riding. Fast forward 18 years, she is now 25 at an age where she should be steady, wise, and "go with the flow." Instead she is entitled, arrogant, and demanding. She keeps life at the barn entertaining, trail rides interesting and always keeps me on my toes.
    She is my Red Dragon, my heart and soul.
    As she is no longer my main ride and has no tolerance anymore to be confined to the camping experience, we now just do day rides or bum around the farm while being ponied with her pal Lucy (Princess Buttercup) . My goals for her are just to keep her in shape, healthy and happy. And maybe, just maybe we will take a spin around some cans this summer. But most importantly enjoy every minute I have with my old girl.

    P.S. I know it sounds like she runs the show, she really does know who is in charge. (But then that wouldn't be a very fun bio.)😜
