Monday, February 2, 2015



  1. Nice looking team! Of course, I am partial to mules!

  2. This is Tom the mule and I. The bush I am parked on was the one that tossed me out of another cart. I landed next to the Joshua tree in the back ground, just to the right of it. This photo was taken about a year later.
    I have been driving Tom about 8 years. We have done Pleasure Driving Shows, Cowboy Mounted Cart Shooting, a couple of wagon trains. Mostly I just drive. Trying to keep up with my wife Melanie Brooker. She is much more into driving. The weather has turned so it is time for us to put on miles. Our loop is 6-15 miles. Mostly flat, and dirt roads.

  3. this is my daily driver, think of it as a dirt buggy, wheel base wider than it is long. Tom is around 1200 lbs. the vehicle with me in it is 950 lbs or so. Tom pulls it with no problem.
    Yes I wear a helmet, all the time, when I was ejected from my cart, carts have two wheels, my helmet split.
