Thursday, December 31, 2015



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  2. Apache "the wonder horse" is the main gal in the "Spotacular Wonder" team. She is a purebred Appaloosa, sadly unregistered due to her breeder's death, but with all the markings to prove it. We bought her in 2009 for my husband and our grandchildren (kids love spots) and she has been a wonderful surprise. She has lovely gaits, including a fast 4-beat walking gait that is fun to ride. Apparently some Appaloosas have a gait that someone called the "Indian Shuffle" and another person told me is called "single footed." I'd love to know what it is, so if you know, please comment below. As "second string" in my endurance endeavors Apache has not received as much conditioning, yet has performed surprisingly well. I'm hoping the DD will help encourage me to ride her more this year so that she can be more competitive and get her 300-mile award from the Daniel Boone Distance Riders. We'll see how it goes!

  3. 10.22 miles about 35 degrees F and overcast skies. After 3 1/2 months as a pasture potato (and she really looks like a potato with legs) we did our little run down the road with Clint's pasture annexed. Apache was naughty, starting our ride with two bucks to let me know she hates the crupper and then she balked several times at silly things. Sometimes I wonder if she is part mule. We did some extra circles around the new pile of roadside rocks that were about to eat her and spent a LOT of time by the broken round bale that was surely something crouching to leap on her. When we came up to the Ameren guys putting in a new utility pole she was sure that big arm was there to get her and wanted nothing to do with it. But she was a good sport in the end and tolerated all the time we spent by the scary things. Some of the Amish on our road must be raising peacocks because I saw a beautiful peacock feather by one of their houses. On the way out we saw just how many sheep they have in one pasture--too many to count. There's something wonderful about sheep in a rolling pasture.
    Although we walked a LOT she was still sweating quite a bit and even had some lather on her chest, face and hind end. I guess we have to work all those extra pounds off. We got to the 5th hole on the cinch, but it was a little hard. And I noticed that even her halter bridle seemed tighter than usual. We have out work cut out for us!

  4. 10.15 miles today in the 40's with lots of rain down the road. I got a chance to test all my rain riding gear. A rain jacket and pants with a poncho on top seems to work well. The helmet cover also helped. My boots were soaked through, though. Apache was better behaved, but still spooky at silly things. I couldn't tell if she was sweating at all because we were both very wet from the rain.

  5. To help me keep track (and double-check the LeaderBoard, as requested) I'm going to start putting the year's total mileage in each entry after that day's mileage. As of today (we don't ride on Sunday's) Apache and I have 20.37 miles and this agrees with the LeaderBoard.

  6. That's a GREAT idea Brooke!
    Welcome to The 2016 Great Distance Derby!
    May you have many SMILES & MILES throughout the year!

    1. Thank you so much for all your work! This has already been lots of fun! I'm working on that Jammie picture.

  7. *10 miles today that we can not count toward the Leader Board. When I turned on the GPS it said low battery and I hoped it had enough juice for today since I had it on less than 2 hours since I charged it last (it usually lasts 10-20 hours). I guess the cold affected it because it died as soon as it found the satellites. Oh well. Lesson learned.
    We still had a good ride down the road and the broken round bale training worked because Apache didn't even flinch when we passed it today. She did however go crazy and run us into the Amish orchard (no damage to the peach tree) when we came upon a long strip of plastic blowing in the wind.
    It wasn't as cold as yesterday (about 36 F when we left), so I didn't wear as many layers nor did I wear my goggles. The temp dropped while we were out though (30 F when we got back), and the wind gusts made it uncomfortable. We walked the last two miles to help Apache cool off and it helped. The sweat was blown dry pretty much everywhere except under the saddle pad.
    The Leader Board will have to remain at 20.37 :(

  8. 10.22 miles today for a total of 30.59 that we can count on the Leader Board (40.59 actual miles). 38 F when we started and much warmer when we the 40's? At mile 6 where the long strip of plastic was on Tuesday there was instead a cement mixing truck pouring concrete and another truck with a big covered trailer with its back ramp down and all sorts of people. To make it worse, a semi came along, turned around and parked and they warned me a fork lift was on its way. I got Apache through there as fast as possible with her jumping around and balking. Just as we got past the semi, the fork lift came around the bend in the road and we tried to stand still for that until it passed. There never use to be so much gong on there, so they must be expanding their business, whatever the business is. Usually we just have to deal with their hound dogs running around. On the way home the fork lift was busy unloading the semi, which bothered Apache quite a bit, but home was on the other side of that. Once past the semi and fork lift the cement truck was gone, but a dozer was moving around rock and gravel. She never liked that part of the road, but now it's going to be something we have to work on for a while.

  9. 10.27 miles today for a total of 40.86 that we can count on the Leader Board (50.86 actual miles). 22 F with about 2 inches of fresh snow on the ground from last night. Lots of new spooky things along the road like snow banks, patches of road that were visible from the salt, and normal roadside objects that were covered in snow. The scariest thing was the big red snow plow with flashing lights scraping and pushing snow in front of it and spreading salt from the back end. We kept running across him as he went up and down the county roads and Apache just about came unglued every time. She was surprisingly good, though, when we were going up a hill with a sharp turn and she could hear something coming that was out of sight. It was a Amish buggy, which in the past she has freaked about, but this time she just stopped and watched it go by. Maybe it was because she knows the horse (one we pass by on the roadside). :) I was wearing my goggles again (and Apache a face mask) and that was a good thing when the wind blew. My goggles continue to give the passersby a chuckle. We walked mostly due to the cold and snow, but we did a fair amount of racing and scampering off the road when the snow plow came along.

  10. 10.29 today for a total of 51.15 that we can count on the Leader Board (61.15 actual miles). 28 F with lots of cold wind making it feel a lot worse. I forgot to put on my goggles today and it was not nice when the wind blew (most of the time). We walked the ENTIRE way and Apache did NOT like the snow bowing across the street. She is still having difficulty with little snow banks, but other than that she was pretty good. The new crupper came in the mail last night so we were finally able to tack her up with the Stockman Bushrider that she will use when Molly rides her at Yellowhammer. That is part of the reason we walked. The wool padding on the Bushrider has to adjust to Apache's back, so this was a good opportunity to give it some time to do that. We also had to prevent sweat. Staying at a walk, we were out there so long that both of my feet and my hands (even with all the layers) started to ache. Apache had her face mask to help with the wind and she was a really good sport, but I wondered if the reason she was so willing to keep walking had more to do with the cold. Everytime we had to go east or west (across the wind) it got colder and when we had to turn north (into the wind) it was really uncomfortable. So why do I keep doing this? I've got to do everything I can to get Apache in condition in time for Yellowhammer and it really does help my spirits for the rest of the day. :)

  11. 10.38 today for a total of 61.53 that we can count on the Leader Board (71.53 actual miles). 22 F and sunny for the first time all week. Although it was cold, the sun made a big difference and my foot in the sun was always warm. The Stockman saddle with Belle's blanket and an Equipedic pad is working well and after the ride, her sweat pattern was completely even. Her feet are wearing strangely, so I'll have to take a closer look at them tomorrow. A beautiful sunny day!

  12. 10.55 miles today for a total of 72.08 that we can punt on the Leader Board (82.08 actual miles). 37 F and gusty winds and overcast. I started out and realized that I had forgotten my helmet, so we had to go back and start all over a again. With the warmer temp we picked up a little trot right away and Apache was in a feisty mood to start, tossing her head and dodging puddles. We've continued to add meandering around in Clint's pasture to get a little more hill work. Apache was sweating all over when we got back, so I covered her with a cooler blanket to wick it off before letting her out into the paddock again. The Bushrider is working out well.

  13. 14.21 miles today for a total of 86.29 that were can count on the Leader Board (96.29 actual miles). It was 35 F and sunny and warmed as we rode. We added the mileage across 127 up Etherton Road and although Apache was slower than Trixie, she did just fine. By the time we got back to our 2nd time meandering around Clint's pasture she was eager to go home, so she trotted that quite a bit. She's getting better hills, but she still tends to be slow on them. She was sweating quite a bit, but the nice warm breeze (50 F when we got back) dried her up pretty fast. With all the road riding, her toes were wearing unevenly, so we spent about half an hour trimming the fronts. They look a lot better. I guess we'll have to keep her trimmed every 3 weeks, rather than every 6. Her tummy and butt are looking a lot more trim now, too. Now for the neck and shoulders!

  14. 14.01 miles today for a total of 100.3 we can count on the Leader Board (110.3 total). In a hurry now to get back out there for Ella and Megan to ride. 45 F when we started and sunny.

  15. 14.61 miles today for a total of 114.91 we can count on the Leader Board (124.91 total). After a few weeks of health problems I finally got to ride Apache again. It was a warm day in the 50's and we ventured up the Etherton/Rocky Hollow road further than in the past. Lots of sweat and even a little lather on her hind end, but she is starting to look more in shape. She did some loud breathing when we went up the bigger hills, but she recovered pretty quickly.

  16. Got on Apache briefly on 3/16 to stretch her legs after trailering to the Talledega Forest in AL. Forgot the GPS, so we can't count those miles. Also, on 3/19 Molly rode her 13.47 miles while I rode Trixie and then Molly rode some more, but we don't count that on this team's Leader Board. So we are still at 114.91.

  17. 16.46 miles today for a total of 131.37 we can count on the Leaderboard (141.37 total). Rode with Kathy at Johnson Creek this morning to get some hill work on Apache before the Rock Bridge Canyon ride. It was a beautiful day in the upper 50's I think and the trails were only muddy in a very few places and not very deep mud. Kathy showed me the way to do the Waterfall Trail (great hills) without having to go over the slippery rock by the waterfall. We use the Forest Ridge Trail at first and then go through the woods to the right where the stream can be crossed and then back to the Waterfall trail. The hill right after the waterfall is the BEST. Apache did great, even with all the winter coat we did not clip off.

  18. 10.35 miles today for a total of 141.72 we can count on the Leader Board (151.72 total). Tried to sprint at 10 mph for 5 miles down the road, but 7 mph was the best she gave me (until we turned home), so we went the 10 mile stretch instead of 5. At the end of the first 5 miles we sprinted up and down the Grammar Hill Rd. hill and she loved that. We did it twice. Then we managed spurts of 10 mph every now and then all the way home (the last 5 miles). About 65 F.

  19. 13.37 miles today for a total of 155.09 we can count on the Leader Board (165.09 total). In the 60's F at Johnson Creek for the hills. Very slow.

  20. 7.14 miles today for a total of 162.23 we can count on the leader Board (172.23 total). In the 60's F at Johnson Creek. Parked at Hidden Cove to shorten our miles today and get in the best hills. Kathy and Cat came along from the usual parking place on Flick and Cruzier as we were parking and went on ahead on the waterfall Trail. It took us another 10 minutes to tack up and that motivated Apache to actually do some long distance sprinting up and down all those hills to try to catch up. We meandered around at the Forest Ridge cutoff and lost time, but we caught up to them on Buttermilk Hill. We went straight back to the trailer from there, but they went on the Forest Ridge Trail instead, so Apache did not like the last few miles without them, but we did manage to keep up at least a 7 mph trot.

  21. 8.55 miles today for a total of 170.78 we can count on the Leader Board (180.78 total). In the 40's F at Johnson Creek. Parked at hidden Cove to cut off the windy technical trails and focus on hills. We went up and down the Waterfall Trail hill just after the waterfall five times to maximize the hill work and get in some extra mileage. Saw two turkey hunters out there in different places, so was glad I had my orange vest. One was parked at Hidden Cove and the other on Buttermilk hill by the gate at the end of the Waterfall Trail. The first one we came upon gave me and Apache quite a startle, but we were ready for him when we came across him again on the way back from Buttermilk Hill. The second one was way off the trail in the woods closer to Hidden Cove. We must have passed him on our way out, but didn't see him until on our way back. On the way back we spotted a beautiful turkey feather in the middle of the trail and wondered if the hunters had anything to do with that.

  22. 13.1 miles today for a total of 183.88 we can count on the Leader Board (193.88 total). In the 40's F at Johnson Creek with Kathy on Flick. We just did the trail from the day parking lot up to Hidden Cove (the long way) and then up the Waterfall Trail, bypassing the waterfall on the trail we are blazing by Forest Ridge. There were no hunters seen and no other riders at all. Seemed strange for such a beautiful day (sunny) and cool for the horses. On the way back after Hidden Cove and pretty close to camp we startled a huge turkey who flew off quite a ways. It's amazing such a big-bodied bird can fly.

  23. 13.37 miles today for a total of 197.25 we can count on the Leader Board (201.25 total). In the 70's at Johnson Creek we rode with Kathy on Cruizer from the day parking lot up to Buttermilk Hill and back by the pavilion. On the waterfall bypass off Forest Ridge Trail we spent a little time and marked it better with orange tape. Now I won't be wandering around in the woods trying to stay on the trail. Hopefully this will encourage others to use the trail and eventually it will be easy to follow. Maybe we'll even be able to start trotting on it! Apache's HR only went up to about 160 when we went up the big hills and it was hard to keep her above 150 when we weren't going up a big hill. She came right down when we were back at the trailer.

  24. 42.47 miles yesterday for a total of 239.72 we can count on the Leaderboard (249.72 total). [The April 16 entry has the total wrong in parentheses.] We just got back tonight from the Rock Bridge Canyon Canter endurance ride. We did the 50-mile ride and Apache came in 9th place, winning the "High Vet Score" for the 50-mile ride. She was fabulous and kept up her energy all day, even sprinting at the end at the 50-mile finish line. Every time we got into a vet check her heart rate was down almost as soon as I took off her saddle. She took good care of herself out on the trail and at the holds, eating and drinking. The only problem we had was her fighting against the bit at times wanting to charge ahead to keep up with horses in front of her. Oh, and the sheep dog that jumped out from the bushes and spooked her so bad that I landed on the ground. No harm done, though, and the big surprise was her High Vet Score. What a wonderful job she did.

  25. 9.09 miles today for a total of 248.81 we can count on the Leader Board (258.81 total). Went to Hidden Cove parking lot by Johnson Creek to get to the big hill faster and then we went up and down it five times for our hill work. We added some more markers on the waterfall bypass trail to be sure I don't miss the one part of Forest Ridge that i always seem to miss. It was a nice cool day today about 60 F.

  26. 7.12 miles today for a total of 255.93 we can count on the Leader Board (265.93 total). In the 60s F and sunny after a rainy morning. We were shooting for our 5 mile sprint, but she went only about 6-7 mph on the way out down the road so we went a little further to add another hill. On the way back she went more like 9-10 mph and then within a mile of the barn she slammed on the brakes at a piece of paper. Now if I was using my Wintec saddle this would have just been annoying, but I was trying out the Stonewall Cliffer with nothing in the front to slow down my forward inertia. Additionally, we just happened to be next to a drainage ditch filled with cold, muddy running water from all the rain we've been having. I guess I should be thankful that it was a "soft" landing.

  27. Just got back from a week at the Hoosier Horse Camp and the Indy Run. On 5/13/16 (Friday the 13th - Apache's lucky number this year) we did the 50 mile ride and clocked 48.91 miles on our GPS for a total of 304.84 we can count on the Leader Board (314.84 total). Lots of mud and a crazy race-brain horse caused us to hold back in the first loop and come in 16th place, but it was a great ride and lots to learn.

  28. Just got back from a week at the Hoosier Horse Camp and the Indy Run. On 5/15/16 we volunteered taking down the trail markers for the Indy Run and removed the yellow and half of the pink markers. (Dixie did the blue and other half of the pink.) We clocked 23.65 miles on the GPS, but forgot to put it on for the first section of the yellow loop...oh well. That's a total of 328.49 we can count on the Leader Board (338.49 total).

  29. This is my first chance to get on the internet after the weekend at Chandlerville IL for the AHDRA Endure endurance ride and drive. On 6/3 we did the 50-mile ride and Apache got 2nd place, but UMECRA counted it as first place since we were the first in our weight division to cross the finish line. What a fun day. The trails were beautiful and Apache did a GREAT job. My GPS read 48.54 miles for a total of 377.03 we can count on the leader board (387.03 total).

  30. This is my first chance to get on the internet after the weekend at Chandlerville IL for the AHDRA Endure endurance ride and drive. On 6/4 we started the 50-mile ride and Apache came in lame in the last two miles of the 2nd loop. Everything else was perfect--her attitude, her pulse down, her gut sounds, A's on most criteria. I could not figure it out, but she had quite a head bob. I didn't want to push it, so i pulled her on the spot and went back to camp scratching my head. About an hour later I trotted her out and she was much better, but still slightly lame. The next morning i saw "scratches" on the back of her "lame" foot and there was a little on the other front foot, too. When we got home it was worse. What a relief that her lameness was something minor that we can hopefully resolve before Dead Dpg ride. At the end of our day on 6/4 my GPS read 35.72 miles for a total of 412.75 we can count on the leader board (422.75 total).

  31. Just got back from the Dead Dog Creek Endurance Ride and did 41.04 miles in the 50-mile ride on Saturday 6/25. It was hotter than imaginable with the humidity (upper 90's), but Apache ate and drank along the way and pulsed down just fine after each loop. At the end she was lame on the LF. She had a little swelling on the back of the canon bone, so it could be that she over-extended. I see icing in my future. 41.04 gives us 453.79 we can count on the leaderboard (463.79 total).

  32. 1.45 miles today on way home from Afton's birthday party.

  33. Don't know what happened to the miles I logged on Aug 31. I made a blog entry, but it seems to be missing and then I filled out the entry form. I'll see if I can figure it out.

  34. So to reiterate what I tried to enter on Aug 31, we arrived in Mattapoisett at 1 AM on the 31st and just parked in the street by the pasture where the horses will stay. I unloaded the horses into the pasture and I slept in the trailer. I got up about 8 AM, fed the horses, ate breakfast and tacked up Apache to ride to my Dad's for a surprise. It was a spooky ride with lots of new things to see, like crosswalks and cobble stones. After riding around the house a bit we went to the beach where Apache met the ocean for the first time. She did not want to cross the seaweed at the high water line, but after a LOT of coaxing she did it. We rode 4.25 miles for a total of 458.04 miles we can out on the leaderboard (468.04 total).

  35. For Afton's birthday party (Sept 2) I rode Trixie to my Dad's house and then I rode Apache back to the pasture. Cedar rode Apache to the party and Autumn rode Trixie back to the pasture. So the 1.45 miles I rode Apache makes 459.49 we can count on the leaderboard (469.49 total).

  36. Today we tried out some of the Mattapoisett Land Grant trails before going to Point Connet and Angelica Point. We also rode them on the way home and got a little mixed up and circled around for a while until we found our way back to Prospect Road. It wa a little nerve-wracking because I had to get back to take my Dad to a doctor's appointment. At Point Connett we did a little more wave desensitizing on the beach and then we went to Angelica where the tide was half way out and we played in the shallow water sandbars. Apache tried to drink the water and she had a surprise. With all the playing and wandering around we did 8.33 miles which makes 467.82 we can count on the leader board and 477.82 total.

  37. 6.63 miles today which makes 474.45 we can count on the leaderboard and 484.45 total. We got off to a late start, so we went straight to Angelica Point to catch some of the spring low tide sandbars. Apache went over the seaweed with only a little concern and on through the tidal pools and over the sandbars confidently. When we got to the edge of the outermost sandbar, the wind had lots of little waves coming and and she was pretty upset. If one of the waves happened to crest near her she would jump and try to get way from it. We spent a lot of time going back and forth along the surf and helping her see that the waves would not hurt her. She also made the acquaintance of several boys visiting someone at one of the Angelica Point cottages. They were thrilled to be able to pat a horse and feed her grass. It was a beautiful sunny, windy day in the 60's and 70's.

  38. 8.23 miles today which makes 482.68 we can count on the Leaderboard and 492.68 total. Apache's feet were very tender from her trim on Wednesday, so we stayed on the Mattapoisett Land Trust except to go to Point Connett to visit my Dad and stand in the surf at high tide. As we were riding down Angelica Ave to Beach Rd. my cousin Brad drove by from visiting my Dad and then drove back to his house so we could chat while Apache ate grass in my Dad's yard. After chatting for a while, she went home and we went to the beach for "surf training". The waves were scary and she jumped several times when they crested near her, but eventually she got out in the water past the surf and she loved standing there in the sand. I think it felt really good on her feet--sort of like an epsom salt soak because she was quite content to stand there and walk around on the sandy bottom. When we got to places where there were stones, she did not want to move, so we kept going back to the sandy areas. After that we went back by way of the land trust trails and it was much easier because we had spent quite a bit of time on the way out trimming the trail in overgrown places. We also went to the Grace Pond section where there are mowed grass trails that have the rocks cleared so we could trot. We had also done a little more exploring down trails and found one that dead-ended at two sassafras trees. We took pictures of all the stones--stone walls, cobblestones, stone garden edges, stone landscaping, stones along gravel roads, etc. And we also got pics of the sphagnum moss and cinnamon fern, things I don't see much of in the midwest.

  39. 7.90 miles today which makes 490.58 we can count on the Leaderboard and 500.58 total. On the way to the barn I met Pete's wife, Erika and she asked if she could ride with me, so she rode Trixie while I rode Apache. We rode on the Mattapoisett Land Trust (MLT) trails over to Point Connett and then on the way back on the MLT trails we went by Grace Pond to the parking area there and then to Hollywoods where we met Mary Ann (?) who has a barn on that road and two horses, Tonto and (?). She explained that if we continued down that road and then to the right, we would eventually come to Pieces Point and we could cross over Sandy beach to Point Connett. Erika had to get back and was a little sore from lack of much previous riding, so we just turned back and went back to the MLT trails to Prospect Road. It was a beautiful sunny day in the 60's F.

  40. 10.65 miles today which makes 501.23 we can count on the Leaderboard and 511.23 total. We finally figured out the MLT trails enough to trot around the "loop" a few times and around the mowed trails by Grace Pond and we reached our goal of 10 miles! Of course we always add Point Connett in there to have lunch with my Dad and play in the ocean. Today we've had a little Nor'easter as my Dad pointed out this morning with the wind out of the northeast and drizzle. I love grey windy days here!

  41. 11.36 miles today which makes 512.59 we can count on the Leaderboard and 522.59 total. To get in our 10 miles, this time we used the MLT trails to take us to the Grace Pond mowed paths and then, since we wanted to trot as much as possible to beat the rain, we went to Point Connett via Hollywoods and Pieces Point to Sandy Beach. Rather than eat lunch with my Dad, after walking through the mid tide waters up to Apache's belly at times, we headed back up to Angelica Ave and up the "south" trail. We ran into a fox on Angelica Ave who was also trotting along Angelica Ave. At Grace Pond we saw two small black snakes with red on them. I'll have to look them up later. We ended with two trots around "the loop" and Apache was thrilled when i finally let her take the trail to Prospect Rd. Our plan worked because after untacking and putting everything away and caring for Apache, as I was getting back in my truck, the rain started. We did it! Got in our ride with the beautiful Nor'easter wind about 60 F before the rain started.

  42. 6.37 miles today which makes 518.96 we can count on the Leaderboard and 528.96 total. We got off to a late start today with helping my Dad this morning and then we moved pretty slowly down the trail because we brought Diane's clippers with the new blade to tidy up more of the trails. We worked on some of the side trails from the MLT "loop" and then by the Buckley bridge we cleared a path alongside the boardwalk put in by the BoyScouts a few weeks ago. Now the horses can get through there without stumbling around by the edges of the boardwalk. We also cleared a lot of the thorn bushes off the mowed paths by Grace Pond. Someone does a nice job keeping them mowed, but they leave lots of thorn branches hanging into the path. We did a little more clean up of the south trail that goes to Point Connett as well. When we came out of the woods onto Point Connett I checked the time to see how close I was to lunch time and was shocked to see that it was 4 PM! Diane had asked me to let her dogs out at 4 PM, so we skipped lunch and visiting with my Dad and instead trotted back to the barn on Angelica Ave and Prospect Road as fast as we could. We got there about 15 minutes later and Kelly was home and had already let the dogs out. Thus our goal of 10 miles did not work out today. It was a beautiful sunny day in the upper 60's F when we left and became partly cloudy toward the end of the ride.

  43. 10.32 miles today which makes 529.28 we can count on the leaderboard and 539.29 total. We got off to another late start due to my Dad again, so we did most of the miles trotting on the MLT loop. Lots of practice placing foot in right place around rocks.

  44. 11.91 miles today which makes 541.19 we can count on the leaderboard and 551.19 total. Sarah Daniels, granddaughter of Bill May came riding with me today on Trixie as I rode Apache. First we rode by the MLT trails to Point Connett so her family could see her (and to see my Dad, of course) then we road to Polly Henshaw's by Angelica Ave and Prospect Rd to meet up with Trish Carlson and Kim Henshaw. The four of us road up to the Hiller trail and then to Grace Pond and the mowed paths there, through Hollywoods to Pieces Point, across Sandy Beach, visit my Dad, around Point Connett for Trish to see the Warrens, then back to the MLT Trails to get them back to Henshaw's. We walked them into the barnyard and then Sarah and I road back through the MLT trails to the MLT parking lot on Prospect. It was a little long for Sarah, but she wants to do it again, so we'll try a repeat next week.

  45. 10.44 miles today which makes 551.63 we can count on the leaderboard and 561.63 total. A beautiful sunny day in the 50's F. We took the clippers on the MLT trails and cleared another one of the trails that cuts through the loop. We added ribbons to this one, too because there were a few turns that were hard to tell which way to go on the pine needles. Then after we cleared it we started trotting on the loop and using the newly cleared cut-through trail to make a figure 8, instead of just a loop to get our 10 miles. We figured out that if we went around the eastern section of the loop using the cut-through as the most western section, then the new "sub-loop" was only 0.9 miles. The entire loop is a little over 1 mile, so this will be helpful when we are trying to get to our 10 miles and don't want to go too far over 10 miles. We need to measure the distance of the normal loop, too.

  46. 6.48 miles today which makes 558.11 we can count on the leaderboard and 568.11 total. Cedar rode Trixie and I rode Apache on the MLT trails on the Hiller trail to Point Connett to see my Dad and then to the sandbars and we cantered on Sandy Beach. We hurried back via the MLT trails and a little on the loop and the upper cut-through that I cleared this week. It was nice to ride with Cedar.

  47. 9.74 miles today which makes 567.85 we can count on the leaderboard and 577.85 total. Cedar rode Trixie and I rode Apache on the MLT trails to Grace Pond and then to Hollywoods and then back to Grace Pond and then to Point Connett by way of the Sough Road. It was great to find another trail to Point Connett that was so clear and easy to trot on. Then we went straight to Angelica Point and rather than ride on Cove Road we went along the beach until we got to the 2nd to last house where there was a jetty wall going out into the high tide water. We tried to go around it in the water, but due to the full moon and spring tides, it was particularly high and the horses were up to their bellies in the water and we still had a ways to go before we would get around it. So instead we walked back up to Cove Road and followed that to Angelica Point. Since it was high tide, instead of going out on the sandbars, we went along the shore of Angelica Point, all the way around the point and back on the other side. There were lots of seashells bleached by the sun and the seaweed was deep in places. Trixie preferred to walk on the deep soft seaweed, but Apache preferred the seashells. When we got back to the beach we cantered down the beach back to the beginning of Cove Road and Cedar really liked that. Next we swung by my Dad's house to say hello and we were stopped by Jay Johnson on the way, asking how my Dad is doing. When we got back to my Dad's house we chatted with him while the horses enjoyed the grass and then we went back to the MLT trails via the foot trails for the Waterview Lane folks to get to the beach. We had to back track a bit when we discovered they dead-ended by the last house. It was a lovely ride and I wish Cedar lived closer and could ride with me every day.

  48. 10.30 miles today which makes 578.15 we can count on the leaderboard and 588.15 total. It started off warm (70 F) and cloudy and then got bright and sunny and warmer (77 F). It is amazing that this is mid-October. Today we made it our goal to go visit my cousin, Brad at Harbor Beach and to make good time, after we got to Grace Pond via the MLT trails, we went on Bowman Road to Aucoot Rd rather than through the trails to Hollywoods so we could trot. We saw the black squirrel again at the Prospect Rd entrance trail and my Dad said there are lots of them in Canada. We also saw a beautiful yellow mushroom that I got a nice photo of. On Aucoot Road I just had to take a picture of the cut off tree that someone painted white and then attached a lighthouse type lantern on top to make their own mini lighthouse for their driveway. My cousin was thrilled to see us and after we chatted for a while, she drove and Apache and I trotted back to the Grace Pond kiosk parking lot so I could show her the trails she can walk on. She gave Apache an apple and we parted for the Old Slough Rd to Point Connett to see my Dad. He brought out my sandwich from the frig and we chatted while I ate and then Apache and I headed to the beach for a little gallop on the newly smoothed sand from the previous high tide. I love when the tide is so high that it almost comes up to the seagrass and there are no foot prints of the beach. We trotted across the beach on the fresh sand to Pieces Point and then turned back toward Point Connett and galloped back to the road. We returned to the barn by the MLT trails, adding a couple extra loops to get in our 10 miles.

  49. 10.34 miles today which makes 588.49 we can count on the leaderboard and 598.49 total. It had rained yesterday and was forecasted to rain today, but was not raining yet when we started. We donned our poncho because the leaves would be wet and headed down the MLT trails with the temps in the 60's F. On the way to the blueberry patch we saw what I believe was a martin. He was big and climbing up a tree when Apache stopped dead in her tracks. He was on the opposite side of the tree so I spoke nicely to him and then he peeked out at me. He kept hiding and then when I spoke to him he would peek out again. This gave me great opportunities to snap his pic on my phone. Eventually he started to make a growling/chattering sound and he came on my side of the tree moving back and forth. I took this as an aggressive display and we left his company and walked on down the trail. We walked most of the way today to keep the poncho in place and avoid the wet leaves. We went as far as Buckley Bridge on the Hiller trail and then turned back (water was high) going around the Hiller trail side trails several times and riding down each off-shoot to add to our miles. Then we did the main loop and went out to Prospect Rd by Henshaws and on to Old Slough Road via Angelica Road. At Grace Pond we went around those trails a bit and then went back to Point Connett via the South Trail. We went to see my Dad and then back to Grace Pond on the South Trail and back to Angelica Road via the Old Slough Road trail. We were not going to be quite 10 miles going back to the barn by Prospect Road, so by Henshaws we went back onto the MLT trails and to the Prospect Road kiosk. It was a lovely woods ride and at one point we also stopped to take pictures of the Death Angel mushrooms. Beautiful, but deadly.

  50. 7.67 miles today which makes 596.16 we can count on the leaderboard and 606.16 total. We started late afternoon due to babysitting for Caeli and caring for my Dad, so we had to get back before we got our 10 miles. We used the MLT trails and got past Buckley Bridge and the bog, but it was tricky with the water and we went off trail into the woods near the fallen tree because it was so bad. We raced around the Grace Pond paths and then down the Old Slough Rd to Angelica Road and to Prospect Road and then back onto the MLT trails by Henshaws and we did the loop a couple times. I'm hoping we'll have time to ride tomorrow.
