
Thursday, December 31, 2015



  1. I called my team Northern Comfort because in the wintertime I like to sit on her bareback, she is very cushy and warm, and hang out while my daughter runs circles around us! My daughter is now in college and it's time Arwin and I get moving. I am hoping that the friendly competition of this DD will be the incentive for us to forget about the thousand other things I have to do and head out down the trail. My goal for this year is to canter bareback. I used to do it as a kid and I want to feel confident enough to do it again. We live on the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska. Most people come here to fish, but we avoid the 'combat fishing' and use the beaches for riding on. Good luck to everyone! Enjoy your time with your horse!

  2. We were determined to ride on Jan 1 to start out the new year right. The wind was blowing and the sky was grey. But Boy did it feel GOOD to be riding! Thanks to my team-mate Arwin and my husband, Dan (Team 18) who drove the trailer on the slick roads. We rode 3.39 miles. Not a lot, but then none of was in shape! :)

  3. Dan and I and Team Frozin all did a beach ride today. I won't go into the details, but suffice to say, it was extremely icy getting the horses to the beach. After some heart-stopping ice issues we had a wonderful ride on the beach. 3.79 miles in deep sand. If there was a grade for effort, I think we get an A! :)

  4. Thanks for getting me going in the Distance Derby. Miles of Smiles!!

  5. Welcome to The 2016 Great Distance Derby!
    May you have many SMILES & MILES throughout the year!

  6. Rode 2.46 today behind the house on the trails. LOVED being back out in the woods. The footing wasn't too bad. We punched through a few places and there were only a few ice patches. Me and Team Frozin! Bareback in halters.

  7. Did 3.25 on the back trails the other day (Can't remember exact date and 4.31 today. We blazed new trailers today. Well, plowed through the snow on the trails. Arwin worked hard and got pretty sweaty. I had to rub her down and cool her out good.

  8. Started to rain just as we were finishing up the ride. 3.56 miles today.

  9. Got a ride in just before the rain. 38 degrees today and raining! Glad we rode yesterday. 3.4miles

  10. I am behind on my blog posts. I really want to say thank you for doing all the work to manage this! I have not felt this motivated to ride in a long time. It's so good for the heart and soul. I only had a little time today to ride. But I'm glad I went. It's so relaxing to soak up the trees and watch the dogs running through them. Thank you.

  11. The serotonin was flowing today! What a beautiful ride. Our ghost dog even stayed on the trail. I was blessed today to ride with two awesome people! Go Alaska! 4.44

    1. Ahhh, horses as therapists. YES! Keep up the great work!

    2. Thanks Katie. I love reading your posts. Such characters you have down there. Have you ever thought about writing a book? It'd be great fun to read....

  12. I have fallen behind in my riding. Team 18 and 101 are leaving me in the dust! I'm pretty proud of both of them. :) I've been sick for a few days now and haven't been able to ride. I'll have to sneak extra rides in when they aren't looking. (a little friendly competition going here)

  13. NOTE: as of today 2/14/16 I have 60.53 miles. I vow to do better recording here as well as on the form. (Hand Raised)

  14. Catch-up post! On 2/15 We rode 3.53 miles. On 2/17 2.39 miles. And today 3.18 miles. I got to ride with my honey on 2/15 then Team FroZinn on the other two rides. It's getting colder but oh so beautiful!

  15. Playing catch-up again. I got what ever crud that was going around and it put a serious crimp in my riding. On 2/20 I rode 3.36 and yesterday 2/26 3.02 miles.

  16. Wonderful Windy Day. We rode 3.97 miles today. Did some extreme trail through the frozen woods, then onto the power line where Arwin kept breaking through the layer of ice. We went down a couple of times before we could get back to our normal trail.. Thankfully she wasn't hurt.

  17. Feb 28th, Dan's birthday ride! Brian joined Teresa and Abi rode Wildflower! It was a short ride, only 2.74 but lots of fun.

    Feb 29th Dan and I met up with friends and rode 5.31 miles. It was a good day, sunny but colder.

    Today we have lessons. So no miles - or at least recordable miles with our limited cell ranges. Love'n all the riding.

  18. March 2nd Teresa and I rode 2.97 miles. March 3rd Abi came along for a little ride. Ponied Wildflower trying to get her moving on her shoulder. She was moving better after a mile. We rode 4.88 miles.

  19. Cold today. Snow on ice made the trail a little slick. Getting pretty bored with the same trails. But we are kinda stuck until spring. Rode 4.13 miles today.

    My dog found his scoccer ball he'd dropped during another ride. He REALLY wanted my horse to kick it for him. He'd trot ahead, sit, drop the ball, then nose it towards my horse's feet as she went by. My horse didn't think too much of THAT and did some pretty impressive body bending to avoid the ball. My pup repeated it for about 2 miles.

  20. Everything is melting! It's only March 10th! Road 4.61miles today. Round and round the trails. 3.93 miles on 3/6.

  21. Amazing hot day (well for AK). Had a great ride with FroZinn! 5.43 miles

  22. Rode 3.37 on 3/13/16. We are getting pretty bored with our loops and straight up and backs. So we dressed up the trails a little. :P. We put out one big dude hanging on a tree stump and several little princesses ( using my granddaughter's clothes). We thought for sure the horses would jump. Nope. Walked by like there was nothing there. Zin wanted to eat Pink Princess's face (hay).

    Then on 3/14/16 I ponied my granddaughter on her pony. 3.24miles.

  23. 3/17/16 3.42 miles. 3/18/16 4.33 With Abi. Her pony went down on all fours when the snow gave way. She stayed on like a champ!

    1. So cool Abi is going along with you! Loved your trail "obstacles" as well! Ride on!

  24. Checked out trails today. Drying up nicely. Except for one mishap all was well. 4.88miles

  25. 3.04 miles today. Road down the road.

  26. 4/11/16 Blazed trails through the woods as the trails were mucky. Tried to ride on the road a bit, but too many cars. 4.69miles

  27. Worked on going by / behind / and past Phoenix. Arwin was slow today. Not sure if she was tired or finally settling. 5.58miles

  28. Great ride today with my granddaughter! So proud of her! We rode a couple of miles through the woods to get to a gravel road. Then along the road for a couple miles THEN back through the woods home. This is the longest ride she's ever done. She is only 4 so I pony her. 4.56 miles.

  29. Got taxes and other house hold stuff done and rode three days in a row! 4.65, 4.31 and 2.71. 4/16-4/18

  30. Arena and trail with Abi. 2.31miles. Lots of yelling on the trail to scare off that bear! (And we stayed close to home)

  31. Awesome ride me and my hubby. I of course had to do the bear call - or bear scare away call! 3.46

  32. 4/29 I did TWO rides. One in the morning and one in the evening! 4.62 and 4.77

  33. Totally awesome ride yesterday and today!
    5/1 7.77
    5/2 4.00

  34. 5/6 4.1
    5/7 3.21
    5/8 4.65
    5/9 3.91
    5/11 6.2
    5/13 3.59

  35. 5/15 Back trails 6.62
    5/16 Teresa and Calderwood's 5.9
    5/17 Mary and Beach 1.73 & 3.44. = 5.17

  36. 5/18 First trail ride with Kenny and his new horse. Had a great group. Ashwell's Calderwood's and Dan, Jenna and I. 7.9 miles
