
Thursday, December 31, 2015



  1. (Written by Mom) My daughter started riding at the age of 2 on my last mare, Diamond AKA Momma. She has always loved the horses and since I myself am involved with them she gets to learn about having her own horse from a young age. Last year she really got into wanting ride so she progressed to the point that at the end of the year she was riding & handling her horse solo. She had her first ride at Fort Custer by the end of the year. Her mount is our 21 yr old Polish Arabian gelding. He always looks out for her and as funny as it is to me he treats everyone & everything like a threat to her while she rides him. She is looking forward to this year because she was promised lessons and that will be able to ride Boo solo at Fort Custer this year while I ride Dice. My goal for her this year is get more of skills down and more comfortable riding distances.

  2. Will be tracking miles when the weather is safer for her to ride.
