
Thursday, December 31, 2015



  1. Finally can post on this blog spot. I am using FireFox instead of explorer and all is well. Yippy.

  2. Now for the really important post...Team 25 Crackling Pine D now has miles to count! Just out in the hay field to be sure they weren't too full of beans and then down the road and back but it counts as time...6.75 miles.

    Not bad weather, some sun and 40 degrees. Road was only slippery where there were trees close. The rest was mostly clear.

    Today was a good day, thank you.

  3. Just noticed the time tag on my posts are off by three hours. It is 4:41 PM right now here.

  4. Welcome to The 2016 Great Distance Derby!
    May you have many SMILES & MILES throughout the year!

    1. Thank you. Looking forward to plenty of those Smiles and Miles!

  5. My bio....I live in Ovid, Michigan on a hobby farm where were have of course equines...One registered 20 something Quarter horse mare that I bred and raised, and three unregistered ponies. One who is a draft cross large pony and the two almost minis. We also have chickens for eggs and dairy goats for milk. We raise a lot of what we eat and also some of what the critters do as well. Along with the livestock we have three cats and two German Shepherd Dogs.

    I have had horses now going on 30 some years. My daughter and I showed some in the Buckskin circuit and I was her 4H and high school equestrian team coach. Did plenty of just road riding and a bit of trail, but just got into the driving in the last four years.

    I bought the draft cross four years ago as my first driver. Then the pony bug really bit me and in February of last year I bought Cora and Mike and have really and I mean REALLY got into driving. Even my husband goes along for the rides. It is something we can do together. He never got into the riding at all.

    So, now I am enjoying the pony pair I have just trail driving. No intention of showing at all. Just "compete" here miles against miles. Should be a great time.

    Oh by the way I am 63 years old this year. We have four adult children, three boys and one girl all married. As well as six grandchildren the oldest is 13 and the youngest is 7. Five girls and one lonely boy. They are all to some degree interested in the ponies right now. I am sure that may change, but for now they enjoy the smaller equine and the cart rides they give.

    Looking forward to meeting more of you and maybe seeing some of you on the trails here in Michigan or maybe in some other state very soon.

  6. As this is to be a journal/log then here is my entry for January 11, 2016:

    Too cold and windy to drive today, but we had fun watching Cora and Mike when we let them out into the hay field. Plenty of bucking and running as well as actually meeting the big horses across the fence. Got a really cute video of them tearing around and "talking" with the big girls.

  7. Journal entry January 30...Weather and life just not cooperating. No driving. Looking forward to some warmer, dryer, and less windy weather so we can get some miles and smiles.

  8. Just a post to say that I am hoping that very soon the weather will become favorable to driving but right now it totally SUCKS! That is all.

  9. Going to do some catching up. Have been really busy, but I have gotten some time to add some miles and smiles so to recap:

    May 5-3.22 miles

    May 6-3.24

    May 7-6.02

    All driven with Cora and Mike.

  10. I can't find me on the leaderboard. Have I been deactivated? Please reactivate me. I just haven't been able to get out and do any riding or driving.

    Help! I wanna play toooooo!

    1. Opps, I found me. Had more miles then I thought. Please keep me active. I am planning on getting out this coming week and adding miles. I have just been so busy with other things that I haven't had time to go play.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Here is the reason I haven't had any drive time lately:

    Getting our new cabin ready so we can go north to do some driving and other fun outdoors stuff.

    Hope the picture shows.

  13. Yippy! Finally the weather has cooled, things are a bit slower and I got to go driving today!!!!

    Those were some fat ponies, but we took our time and I think they were glad to get out and do something.

  14. Yeah I got to do some miles and smiles this past weekend! Went with my husband to Lake City area to a yearly drive called the Northway Fall Drive. Had a great time with horses, people, and plenty of good food.

  15. Finally the new buggy and harness are coming together. Didn't get to drive as much as I had hoped while we were on vacation, but we spent a lot of time tweaking the equipment. We now have had two drives and are almost satisfied with it all. Pole is still running downward so need to do something to bring the tip up to level.

    October 19, we drove 5.73 miles...first real drive.

    October 23, we drove 9.79 miles...better but still not quite.

  16. Well guess there won't be anymore miles and smiles for us in 2016...the weather is just plain poopy and will only get worse for the rest of the year.

    SOOOOOOOOOOOO, I paid my 2017 dues today and am looking forward to plenty more miles. Team Crackling Pine D will for sure get more then 66.2 in 2017!

  17. According to NOAA January 1, 2017 here in Michigan is suppose to be "warm" 36 degrees and sunny......I wonder if I might be able to start out the new year by taking a drive with the ponies??? That would be a great way to start out the New Year.

  18. At last some miles and smiles for 2017! Just around the fields here at home but we did get 3.31 miles in. Ponies are out of shape and so am I.

    I swear, when Cora saw us pull out the buggy she started to run around the pen like she was excited to going back to driving and seeing the country!

    Hope we can get out more now that we have this time.

    Here we go, sure hope I can beat last years 66.2.

  19. Another chance to do some miles and smiles. Still only around the farm, but at least it is driving miles.

    Add 3.61 miles to my total!

  20. We're rolling now...4.15 miles around the farm.

    Rain coming later this week so want to make more miles while I can.

  21. 4.22 miles in today. Rain coming tomorrow and for the weekend, then it is suppose to be nice for a few days. Hope I can take advantage of the nice days and get plenty more miles in.

  22. An even 5 miles today around the farm. Building up those miles and smiles.

  23. Was on vacation at the cabin, didn't get much time to drive as we hosted a family reunion there.

    After all the family had gone and we had a chance to relax we did some:

    June 16: 5.43 miles

    June 18: 4.25 miles
